The SOS Trap – Let go of Shiny Object Syndrome
Do you often get distracted by “Shiny Object Syndrome”? Are you continually buying new products and courses because of the promise of bigger, better things? Do you find it hard to finish anything because you are constantly pursuing the next
Creating a Procedure Manual for Your Business
One of the most common questions I am asked is what exactly should I include in my procedure manual. The following is a list of the eight common areas to cover and what each area should include: Operations This
Do You Have Enough Hours in a Day?
Lately, I have been speaking with so many entrepreneurs who feel there are not nearly enough hours in a day. They are feeling overwhelmed, overworked and just plain tired. Many feel they are so close to burnout they are afraid
Does Your Biz Depend on You?
So often I am meeting with business owners and through our discussions, I realize just how dependent their business is on them. Although some have team members in place, often the team members are still turning to the business owner
When is the Best Time to Build a Team!
I am asked this question so many times! The simple answer is yesterday LOL! There seems to be a line that people cross where on one side they don’t “need” a team and on the other side, it feels they
7 Costly Mistakes Entrepreneurs are Making When Hiring a Virtual Assistant
One of the first questions I always hear from my clients is “how much is a Virtual Assistant going to cost me?” Most of the time they are just thinking about the hourly rate they will be charged and they