
Saying Thanks to Your Team is an Important Task

Saying Thanks to Your Team is an Important Task

Your team is an integral part of your business. If you are like me you couldn’t imagine your business without them. Today I would like to share with you some ways to show how much you value them. Even without

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Hiring a Team Member is not an Exercise in Speed Networking!

Many entrepreneurs treat finding team members like an exercise in speed networking. They take very little time before making a decision that can mean the difference between success and failure in the growth of their business. Hire Slow, Fire Fast

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Working with Virtual Teams

In the last little while, many businesses have changed how they do business drastically and moved to virtual teams. Working with a virtual team is very different than being able to physically see them each day. When I began my

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What do I Need to Know To Be an Effective Delegator?

One of the many things I help entrepreneurs with is delegation and how to become an effective delegator. If you are like many of my clients they started a business with little to no business skills. Things began to get

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3 Roles to Fill in Your Business to Guarantee Success

As entrepreneurs we all want success, however many still struggle to find the business success they desire, whatever that might be. I have been an entrepreneur for over 14 years and it has taken me until recently to discover exactly

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Keeping Your Team Strong

When working with clients, quite often they will tell me about their struggles with their team and there is a distinct pattern when it comes to the challenges they are facing. Here is some of the advice I share with

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